
Covoya Hosting International Specialty Coffee Summit

“The great thing about coffee is the relationships, meeting producers and then connecting roasters you know in the U.S. to them and then seeing how that relationship can take off."

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Meet Covoya Coffee Trader Joshua Marsceau

"You get to really understand someone’s business, but you also get to know people personally and ultimately it’s those relationships that keep me in coffee."

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Papua New Guinea – Trip Report

Covoya has been part of the Papua New Guinea coffee story for many years, beginning with relationships established by our Senior Trader and Sourcing Director, Ian Kluse, over 16 years. 

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What is a Coffee Trader?

Above all else, a coffee trader’s job is to know stuff, a lot of stuff, while keeping both sellers and buyers happy. 

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The Future of Coffee

This blog is about the future of coffee but it's not about AI robots and coffee, a combination of current realities and future certainties. What isn’t a certainty is the future of growing coffee. Sorry about the clickbait photo.


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