Brazil Origin Trip - Meet the Cafe Delas Producers
Each producer had their own reasons for seeking out the Café Delas program and all of them found the support they needed.
Covoya is excited to announce receipt of our License from the Regenerative Organic Alliance.
Covoya Hosting International Specialty Coffee Summit
“The great thing about coffee is the relationships, meeting producers and then connecting roasters you know in the U.S. to them and then seeing how that relationship can take off."
Meet Covoya Coffee Trader Joshua Marsceau
"You get to really understand someone’s business, but you also get to know people personally and ultimately it’s those relationships that keep me in coffee."
Describing Coffee to Coffee Drinkers
Within the coffee industry, complex and specific tasting notes are an important part of buying and selling at transaction points along the supply chain. But what about the last link in that chain? What words work for coffee drinkers?
Papua New Guinea – Trip Report
Covoya has been part of the Papua New Guinea coffee story for many years, beginning with relationships established by our Senior Trader and Sourcing Director, Ian Kluse, over 16 years.
Why is it Called a Quaker?
When the word Quaker came into use to describe under-roasted coffee beans it happened because their color resembled the color of clothing that many Quakers were wearing at the time.
Your Company Writes Stories Every Day
“If a customer doesn’t leave with a good story,” he said, “we haven’t done our job.”
What is a Coffee Trader?
Above all else, a coffee trader’s job is to know stuff, a lot of stuff, while keeping both sellers and buyers happy.